When it comes to doors there is no end to the symbolic nature and mystery of a threshold! From Alice in Wonderland to the Wardrobe of Narnia to the Monolith of 2001: A Space Odyssey all the way to our everyday vernacular, like the 'revolving door' or someone being at 'death's door' to walking over the threshold! Doors have meaning! Doors have significance and for this reason Jesus speaks of himself as "the door" but what is behind the door if the door is Christ himself? Join us in November at Common Ground as each week we'll be standing at a new door and exploring how God in his covenant faithfulness is moving us through the door and closer to him!
We'll be looking at the door of provision, the door of lament, the door of abundance, and finally the door of hospitality. Bring a friend through our doors of the Silk Mill as we worship Christ together in this season!